01 de Julio de 2015

BRC Investor Services divulges Tips Pesos E-15 credit rating report

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

17 de Junio de 2015

In extra review Fitch affirms Tips Pesos N-11 credit ratings

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

16 de Junio de 2015

Titularizadora Colombiana in its capacity as Manager of TIPS PESOS E-11 Issue hereby reports that a termination event has occurred for the referred issue. See attached report

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

12 de Junio de 2015

Fitch publishes Tips Pesos E-4 credit rating report

Colombian Financie Superintendence

12 de Junio de 2015

BRC Standard and Poor´s withdrew A, B and Mz tranches of Tips Pesos E-8

Colombian Financie Superintendence

11 de Junio de 2015

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the results of the TIPS Pesos N-11 mortgage-backed securitization (offer and underwriting of mortgage-backed TIPS Pesos N-11 securities on June 10th and 11th of 2015). Overall underwriting report attached.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

04 de Junio de 2015

Fitch publishes Tips Pesos N-1 credit rating report

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

03 de Junio de 2015

Fitch reviews Tips Pesos E-4 credit ratings; assigns positive perspective to B series

Colombian Financie Superintendence

02 de Junio de 2015

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the entering into contracts with Davivienda for servicing the mortgage loans to be securitized by the issue of TIPS Pesos N-11 mortgage-backed securities in June, 2015

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

02 de Junio de 2015
TIPS Pesos N-11

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. reports the entering into contracts with Davivienda Bank to purchase the mortgage loans that will be securitized through the issue of TIPS Pesos N-11 mortgage-backed securities in June, 2015.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

02 de Junio de 2015

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the securitization of mortgage loans in Pesos (TIPS Pesos N-11 Issue) that Titularizadora will effect in the second week of June 2015. See attached report.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

22 de Mayo de 2015

Fitch publishes Tips Pesos N-1 credit rating

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

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