05 de Abril de 2022

The Technical Committee of BRC Ratings S&P S.A. SCV, in Periodic Review, confirmed the ratings of series A, Mz and C of Tips N-15; and raised the rating of the series B. In addition, it withdrew Special Review status for the Mz and C series.

Superintendencia Financiera

05 de Abril de 2022

Fitch withdraws Credit Ratings of TIL Pesos L-2 securities

Superintendencia Financiera

05 de Abril de 2022

BRC Ratings - S&P S.A. SCV in periodic review, affirms ratings for tranches A, Mz and C for TIPS N-15, and upgrade ratings for tranches B. Additionally withdrawn creditwath for tranches Mz and C.

Superintendencia Financiera

05 de Abril de 2022

BRC Ratings - S&P S.A. SCV in periodic review, affirms ratings for tranches A and B of TIPS N-19, downgrade ratings for tranches Mz and C, assings negative perspective for tranche B, withdraw creditwath for tranches B and C, and maintains for tranche Mz.

Superintendencia Financiera

25 de Marzo de 2022

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. reports the taking place of the Ordinary General Shareholders´ Meeting of the company held on 25-03-22. The corresponding report with the main decisions approved is attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

25 de Marzo de 2022

We inform the approval of the end-of-year financial statements as of December 31, 2021 by the General Shareholders´ Meeting on March 25th, 2022 in accordance with CE 004 2012. See report attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

25 de Marzo de 2022

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the profit distribution project approved by the company´s General Shareholders´ Meeting held on March 25th, 2022. The corresponding report is attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

17 de Marzo de 2022

The amendment and new proposal of the Profit Distribution Project approved by the Board of Directors of the Titularizadora on 03-17-2022 to submit to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting is attached. See file attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

14 de Marzo de 2022

We inform the result of the securitization process TIV V-3 (offer and placement of securities TIV V-3 on March 14, 2022). See report attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

14 de Marzo de 2022

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. announces the setting of the amount and rate of the first batch issue of securities TIV A V-3 of the securitization process through the issue TIV V-3.

Finance Superintendence Office

11 de Marzo de 2022

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. communicates the publication of the Book Building opening announcement for the securities TIV A V-3. See report attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

09 de Marzo de 2022

Fitch publishes the technical paper that supports the N-10 TIPS Pesos Ratings.

Superintendencia Financiera

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