03 de June de 2022

We inform about the probability that, no later than June 22, 2022, the ground of termination of the issue TIPS Pesos N-1 occurs. See The attached file.

Finance Superintendence Office

03 de June de 2022

We inform about the signing of the contract for sale of mortgage loans with Bancolombia S.A., to be securitized in the issuance of mortgage securities TIPS UVR U-6.


Finance Superintendence Office

03 de June de 2022

We inform about the signing of the management contract of mortgage loans with Bancolombia S.A., to be securitized in the issuance of mortgage securities TIPS UVR U-6.

Finance Superintendence Office

31 de May de 2022

We inform about the signing of the management contracts of i) mortgage loans, with Davivienda y Scotiabank Colpatria, and of ii) housing leasing contracts with Davivienda, assets to be securitized in the issuance of securities TIPS UVR U-6.

Finance Superintendence Office

31 de May de 2022

We inform about the signing of the contracts for sale of i) mortgage loans, with Davivienda y Scotiabank Colpatria, and ii) of housing leasing contracts with Davivienda, assets to be securitized in the issuance of securities TIPS UVR U-6.

Finance Superintendence Office

24 de May de 2022

We inform the substitution process of mortgage loans corresponding to Universalidad TIPS PESOS N-16 of Issue TIPS PESOS N-16. See file attached.

Finance Superintendent´s Office

24 de May de 2022

BRC Ratings - S&P S.A. SCV in periodic review, downgrade ratings for tranches TIPS Mz N-6 and TIPS C N-6. Additional withdraw rating of TIPS B N-6 for Payment in Full.

Superintendencia Financiera

24 de May de 2022

The Technical Committee of BRC Ratings S&P S.A. confirmed in extraordinary review the ratings of AAA, BBB, BB and B to series A, B, Mz and C, respectively, of the Tips UVR U-6.

Superintendencia Financiera

23 de May de 2022

We inform about the development of a securitization process of mortgage loans and residencial leasing contracts denominated in UVR (Issue TIPS UVR U-6) to be conducted by the Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. See file attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

23 de May de 2022

We inform that the contracts for sale of mortgage loans, with Credifamilia Compañía de Financiamiento S.A., has been signed, in order to be securitized in the issue TIPS UVR U-6 to be conducted by the Titularizadora Colombiana S.A.

Finance Superintendence Office

23 de May de 2022

We inform that the contracts for the administration of mortgage loans with Credifamilia Compañía de Financiamiento S.A., has been signed, in order to be securitized in the issue of TIPS UVR U-6 to be conducted by the Titularizadora Colombiana S.A.


Finance Superintendence Office

11 de May de 2022

Fitch Withdraws Ratings from TIPS Pesos N-2 Titles.

Superintendencia Financiera

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