Connect the financing needs of the different economic activities with the capital market, with transparency, efficiency and under the principles of sustainability, through the securitization of assets.
Manage COP $10 trillions of underlying assets in different economic activities by 2027.
Means the pooling or bundling of financial assets to be transformed into securities and sold or purchased by the investors.
Securitization creates a self-financed structure represented in securities with the single payment source in the cash flow of the underlying assets involved in the process.
For the mortgage loan portfolio, the financial assets comprise mortgage loans generators of cash flow that corresponds to the installments paid by the borrowers.
Securitization is a modern financing tool massively used in developed countries, particularly in the USA. Costs are significantly lower than the intermediation margins of credit institutions. Administrative expenses are almost negligible and in Colombia, Titularizadora does not provide for reserves or any mandatory investments.
This gain in efficiency bears large scale macroeconomic implications. In the United States, the securitization intermediation margin has been reduced to only half a percentage point, clearly impacting both investment and growth. No doubt this mechanism significantly accounts for the low cost of mortgage financing in the US.
The US mortgage market is highly specialized. There is a sharp differentiation between the functions of the loan originators and servicers —primary market— and those managing the risks and raising funds —secondary market—. The public sector has played a key role in this market development, partly by creating key institutions for the secondary market providing for the connection between the housing market and the capital markets. Today, the secondary market is dominated by these governmental entities, though increasingly private institutions are entering the race.
By investing in Titularizadora Colombiana’s products, you are procuring investments structured and managed under high quality standards and authorized by the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia. Titularizadora Colombiana’s certification of the processes carried by originators and servicers ensures a good handling in the management of the underlying assets. In addition:
a. Issues (Primary Market)
For each issue, Titularizadora defines the underwriting firms among the stockbrokers, who will be in charge of giving advice to the interested investors and support the promotion of the securities.
Securities are placed in the market through Dutch Auction, Firm Demand, or Offering Book Building in the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (Colombian Stock Exchange).
Investors participate in the primary underwriting of securities by contacting any of the brokers authorized to act as the issue underwriters and put a purchase offer for the securities through said brokers.
The dates of the issues are informed to the investors through dissemination channels such as specialized finance journals, countrywide circulation newspapers, and our website.
Any investor can buy securities in the primary issue. The main purchasers have been traditionally pension and severance funds, investment funds, insurance companies that provide life insurance and general insurance, and other financial entities. Individuals and real sector companies have invested also.
b. Investments made after the Issues (secondary market)
Ask any stockbroker or intermediary for advice in your investment decision on securities backed by Titularizadora, according to your needs and expectations.
Fannie Mae. Federal National Mortgage Association, USA
It provides financial products and services for low- or moderate- income families to be able to buy homes of their own. Since the beginning in 1938, it has made it possible for more than 30 million families to achieve the American dream of homeownership. The estimate is that one out of five home mortgages is financed by Fannie Mae in the US.
Freddie MaC. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, USA
In 1970 it became a competitor of Fannie Mae and since then, it has gained a significant ground in the market. Its mission is to develop the secondary mortgage market and expand the opportunities of home purchasing, ensuring a constant cash flow to the credit institutions.
Ginnie Mae. Government National Mortgage Association, USA
A government agency created in 1968 to issue securities that, save from the US Treasury bonds, are the only ones fully guaranteed by the federal government. They are specialized in sectors where the government must ensure fund availability for mortgages, i.e. they purchase mortgages the borrowers of which are veterans, indigenous communities and other minorities.
CMHC. Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation, Canada
Since 1946 CMHC has been developing new ways of financing housing and helping seniors or low-income citizens to get healthy and safe housing. This institution offers plans for the disabled, the environmentally hypersensitive, and children victims of domestic violence.
The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited. Hong Kong
Created in 1997 to facilitate the secondary mortgage market, allowing credit institutions to manage risks effectively..
Komoco, KoreaCreated in 1999 to promote the Korean economy through the issuance of securities to be sold in capital markets and the transfer of these monies to credit institutions. * Definition by James A. Rosenthal in “Securitization of Credit,” 1988
The Board of Directors of Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. is the body responsible for safeguarding and maximizing the shareholders' equity, directing the corporate strategy, and supervising the appropriate performance of the managers in fulfilling the mandate entrusted by the shareholders.
Felipe Ramirez Amaya
Vice president of Treasury
Bancolombia S.A.
Pedro Alejandro Uribe Torres
Executive Vice President Corporate Banking
Banco Davivienda S.A.
Beatriz Helena Arbeláez Martinez
Finance VP
Transportadora de Gas Internacional
Diego Fernando Prieto Rivera
Banco Caja Social S.A.
Gerardo Alfredo Hernández
Banco Comercial Av Villas S.A.
Catalina Tobón Rivera
Investor Relations Director
Bancolombia S.A
Daniel Cortes McAllister
Executive Vice President of Treasury and Wealth Banking
Banco Davivienda S.A.
Oscar Eduardo Gómez Colmenares
Legal VP
C.I. Prodeco S.A.
Nicolás García Trujillo
Business Management VP
Fundación Grupo Social
Jorge Umaña Camacho
Chief Financial Officer - CFO
Scotiabank Colpatria S.A.
The members of the Board of Directors are appointed for a period of two years, which can be re-elected indefinitely. The period of the current Board of Directors began to count as of March 24, 2023.
Overview of the members of the Board of Directors and Administration:
Managers Board of Directors Internal Auditor
Titularizadora Colombiana is the first company specialized in asset securitization in Colombia.
Titularizadora Colombiana is a private institution, with shareholders that include institutions with ground history in the Mortgage industry and finantial sector such as BCSC, Bancolombia, Davivienda, AV Villas, Colpatria, and Seguros Bolivar. The incorporation of this entity in July, 2001, is a milestone in the Colombian entrepreneurial history and economic and social development.
Corporative PresentationThe management team of Titularizadora Colombiana is composed of highly skilled professionals committed to making mortgage loan securitization the main source of financing for homeowners in Colombia.
All of the areas of the company are headed by well-known professionals in the financial industry. The company permanently strives for efficiency, having a lean organization supported by a leading-edge technology platform.
The excellence and high ethic standards are the foundations of this group, which is aimed at improving living conditions in Colombia.
Recognition given by the SFC for issuers that benefit from the automatic registration of their issues in the National Registry of Securities and Issuers (“RNVE”), which translates into shorter times and costs associated with the structuring of public offerings in the primary market , and better opportunities to take advantage of market windows.
To access this recognition, the following requirements must be met, at least during the last 3 years:
The adoption of best practices in terms of information disclosure and investor relations has been certified by the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC) through the IR Issuers Recognition and supports the management of Titularizadora Colombiana.
The main requirements to access the IR Emitters Recognition are:
The Issuers Recognition - IR granted by the Bolsa de Bolsa de Valores de Colombia S.A. It is not a certification on the goodness of the registered securities or on the solvency of the issuer
The Master Administration management supports mortgage securitization and has been certified under the ISO 9001: 2015 standard for the implementation and maintenance of its quality management system, which includes:
• Monitoring of emissions operators, controlling the mitigation of operational and credit risk.
• Compliance with the conditions of prospectuses and regulations.
• Timely and reliable disclosure of the behavior of emissions.
TITULARIZADORA COLOMBIANA has established the following quality policy:
TITULARIZADORA COLOMBIANA, develops a management focused on meeting the needs of interested parties in accordance with the following guidelines:
A practical, results-based approach that continually improves your standards and meets applicable requirements.
The achievement of a high level of professionalism and technical capacity by each member of the team that makes up the Company's human talent.
Any initiative that generates value is developed with an orderly growth and without improvisations.
"Our organization is committed to supporting the confidence of the market, in transparency, opportunity and quality".
Based on the quality policy, the following objectives have been established:
Titularizadora’s shareholders are long standing local and international financial institutions. Titularizadora has the support and endorsement of the private mortgage banks in Colombia.:
With a participation 12,65% the Banco AV Villas S.A. Credit institution founded on October 24, 1972, owned by the Grupo Sarmiento Angulo, specialized in construction financing.
With a participation 6.35% Scotiabank Colpatria S.A. Bank founded on December 7, 1972, dedicated to mortgage loan operations.
The primary economic activity of Inversora Colmena S.A. , with a 0.13% share, is the performance of activities related to the stock exchange market.
With a participation 0,13% the company Seguros Bolívar S.A. Insurance company founded on December 5, 1939.
The insurance company, with a 0,05% share, specialized in social security products and mass market systems for individual coverage, contributing this way to the insurance socialization.
With a participation 26,98% Bancolombia S.A. Founded on January 25, 1999, due to the merger of Banco Industrial Colombiano and Banco de Colombia, has the support of the Grupo Antioqueño.
With a participation 26,85% the Banco Davivienda S.A. Intermediary and financing institution, mainly targeting individuals and families as well as promoting savings and housing financing. It was founded in 1972 and is part of the Grupo Bolívar.
With a participation 26,85% the Banco Caja Social S.A. Financing banking institution owned by the Fundacion Social, founded on June 27, 2005 due to the merger of Banco Caja Social and Banco Colmena.
Titularizadora Colombiana's commitment to its investors and shareholders is revealed in the emphasis set on excellence, integrity, and ethical behavior.
The Investors Committee's, mission consists in disclosing information and fulfilling the principle of transparency in all our activities. Also, this investors Committee has its own rules.
Board of Directors' Support Committees: The Board of Directors established the following committees for supporting its operation and watching over the policies' implementation and development.
Audit Committee: Members are three (3) Directors of the Board elected by the Board itself. Its main task is to monitor Titularizadora's internal control system procedures by checking that these take into account all the risks arising from the operation of each process, and safeguarding the integrity, reliability, and transparency of the financial information prepared by the company, and the appropriate disclosure of such information according to the applicable laws and regulations. This committee operates under the applicable regulations and its internal rules that provide the committee's objectives, tasks, and responsibilities.
Investment Committee: Comprised of three (3) members of the Board of Directors, the Investment and Market Development Director, the Company's President, and the Vice President of Business. Its main functions are to supervise the compliance with the policies on management and administration of the company's liquid assets and to define portfolio investment policies and risk coverage strategies, trading, and general outline on the investments for treasury operations and counterparty limits, in accordance with the company's risk assessment criteria. Regarding liquidity risk, it must review the contingency plans proposed by the Administration and discuss the annual stress tests.
The Committee of appointment, compensation and ethics: is comprised of the Company's President and two (2) members of the Board of Directors. Main functions are: (i) state the criteria and propose and review the compensation for the Board of Directors, Senior Management and the Company; (ii) check the assessment of Board, Senior Management, and nominees to Board's Secretary and Senior Management as per the request of the Board of Directors and provide the corresponding recommendations; and (iii) make recommendations about any complaint situation.
The Committee of Corporate Governance: is comprised of the Company's President and two (2) members of the Board of Directors. Main functions include: (i) assist the Board of Directors in overseeing the compliance with and implementation of the general corporate governance standards and (ii) knowing the material claims of shareholders or investors who believe that the Company does not apply the general standards of good governance and give an appropriate recommendations.
Real Estate Board Committee: Comprised of three (3) members of the Board of Directors and the Company's President. Its main function is to support the Board in analyzing the real estate businesses to be submitted for consideration of the Board of Directors for approval.
Risk Committee: Composed of the Chairman and two (2) members of the Board. Its principal function is to assist in the approval, monitoring, and control of the policies, guidelines, and strategies for the administration and management of the Company's risks. In this sense, the Risk Committee will assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities concerning risk management.
Management committees:
Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO): Comprised of the Company's President, the Vice President of Business, Operations Director, General Secretary, Structuring and Risk Director and Investment Director. Its activities include to assess and establish the risk tolerance level of the company, to analyze and report on the interest rate, liquidity, currency, mismatch, and basis risks, to consider the strategies and actions to be taken toward the achievement of the financial and business targets set by the company, and to establish the price for mortgage loan purchase and the granting of the guarantee. Regarding liquidity risk it must monitor the risk of the company, as well as the issuances, reviewing periodic indicators, contingency plans when needed and knowing the results of the annual stress tests.
Sustainability Committee: Composed of five (5) permanent members: Organizational Development and Compliance Management, Planning Director, Investment and Market Development Director, Business Director, Real Estate Manager. Its principal function is to lead, propose, review, decide, and follow up on the policies, guidelines, standards, and procedures related to the management of Titularizadora Colombiana in the sustainability area.
Operations Committee (SARE): Integrated by the President of the Company, the Vice President of Business, the Director of Operations, the Operational Risk Officer, the Director of Technology, and the Director of Internal Control. Its principal function is to follow up and monitor compliance with the Operational Risk Management System of the entities exempted from the SIAR (SARE) in each direction of the Company so that the level of risk established in the Company is maintained or improved by the controls determined by each process.
Date | Title | Author |
March 22, 2024 | Corporate Governance Report 2023 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
March 24, 2023 | Corporate Governance Report 2022 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
March 25, 2022 | Corporate Governance Report 2021 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
March 26, 2021 | Corporate Governance Report 2020 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
March 26, 2020 | Corporate Governance Report 2019 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
March 31, 2017 | Corporate Governance Report 2016 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
March 29, 2016 | Corporate Governance Report 2015 | Titularizadora Colombiana |
Transforming assets for a sustainable future
Sustainability Purpose: Transform assets for a sustainable future by financing various economic activities through the capital markets.
Material Topics
Strategic Pillars
Sustainability Strategy