11 de February de 2019

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publishes periodic review report of TIPS Pesos N-17

Superintendencia Financiera

11 de February de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana as Administrator of the Issue TIPS Pesos E-16 reports that the causality of termination of the aforementioned issue has been configured. See report Annex

Information send to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

11 de February de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana como Administradora de la Emisión TIPS PESOS E-16 informa que se ha configurado la causal de terminación de la referida emisión. Ver reporte anexo.

Información enviada a la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

08 de February de 2019

The Technical Committee of BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV in periodic review affirms credit rating of Titularizadora Colombiana at AAA

Superintendencia Financiera

08 de February de 2019

Fitch publishes the technical document that supports ratings of TIPS Pesos N-12

Superintendencia Financiera

30 de January de 2019

The Technical Committee of BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV in periodic review affirms ratings of Tips Pesos N-17

Superintendencia Financiera

25 de January de 2019

We inform about the probability that, no later than March 2019, the ground of termination of the issue TIPS PESOS E-16 occurs. See the attached file.

Communication Financial Superintendence

25 de January de 2019
TIPS Pesos E-15

It is reported on the voluntary cancellation of the registration in the RNVE of the mortgage securities TIPS Pesos E-15, issued by the Holder on July 28, 2010. The cancellation was made due to the payment of all the aforementioned

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

14 de January de 2019

It is reported on the probability that the cause of termination of the TIPS E-12 issue will be configurated by February 2019 at the latest. See the attached report.

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

10 de January de 2019

We inform about the substitution procedure for mortgage loans corresponding to the Universalidad TIPS Pesos N-16 of the issue TIPS Pesos N-916 made in December 2017. See report attach

Información enviada a la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

10 de January de 2019

We inform about the substitution procedure for mortgage loans corresponding to the Universalidad TIPS Pesos N-17 of the issue TIPS Pesos N-17ade in March 2017. See report attach

Información enviada a la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

10 de January de 2019

We inform about the substitution procedure for mortgage loans corresponding to the Universalidad TIPS Pesos N-13 of the issue TIPS Pesos N-13 made in December 2016. See report attach

Información enviada a la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

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