The limits of the TIN Universalidad are that no lessee will participate in more than 30% of the income and that the concentration per economic sector will be maximum 50% or the assets’ value. In cities with more than 1 million population 50% of assets may be concentrated (except for Bogotá where there is no limit); if the city has more than 500 thousand inhabitants, the limit is 30% of the assets; in cities with more than 300 thousand inhabitants, the limit is 20% of the assets; and in other cities, the maximum is 15% of the assets.  The Minimum investment in real estate will be above COP10 billion but only in the case the real property is included in the real estate packages, it may be less than COP10 billion. The vehicle is given 5 years for compliance with the limits since the issue date (October 25, 2018).

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