We inform that the contract for the administration of car loans with Banco Finandina S.A. BIC has been signed, in order to be securitized in the TIV- IBR V-6 issuance.


We inform that the contract for the sale of vehicle loans with Banco Finandina S.A. BIC has been signed, in order to be securitized in the TIV-IBR V-6 Issuance.


Informs about the development of a securitization process of vehicle loans in Colombian pesos through the TIV-IBR V-6 Issue, to be conducted by the Titularizadora Colombiana S.A.

TIPS Pesos N-3

Titularizadora Colombiana, Manager of the Universalidad TIPS Pesos N-3, informs that the additional payment of the securities of the TIPS Pesos N-3 issue has been made. See attached report.

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