15 de May de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana shares the Periodic Report of the Universalidad TIPS Pesos N-8, corresponding to the first quarter of 2023. See attachment.

Finance Superintendence Office

28 de April de 2023

Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the national ratings of the TIS Weights H-1

Superintendencia Financiera

26 de April de 2023

Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the ratings of the subordinate tranches of Universality TIPS Pesos N-21

Superintendencia Financiera

24 de April de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana, Manager of TIL Pesos L-3 Issue, informs that was configured the cause for termination of the referred issue. See attached report.

Finance Superintendence Office

21 de April de 2023

Fitch publishes the technical document underpinning the TIV-V5 Universality Ratings

Superintendencia Financiera

11 de April de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana transmits the End of Year Management Report for December 2022. See annex. 

Finance Superintendence Office

11 de April de 2023

BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document corresponding to the Periodic Review of TIPS Pesos N-19.

Superintendencia Financiera

05 de April de 2023

Fitch publishes the technical document that supports the Rating on the TIL Titles Pesos L-3 and TIL Pesos L-4

Superintendencia Financiera

31 de March de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana gives scope to the report of 28-03-23 and is allowed to retransmit the Periodic Report for the End of the Year 2022, corresponding to the Universalidad TIPS Pesos N-14. See attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

31 de March de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana shares the Periodic Report for the End of the Year 2022, corresponding to the Universalidad TIV V-2. See attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

31 de March de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana shares the Periodic Report for the End of the Year 2022, corresponding to the Universalidad TIV V-3. See attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

31 de March de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana shares the Periodic Report for the End of the Year 2022, corresponding to the Universalidad TIV V-4. See attached.

Finance Superintendence Office

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