08 de March de 2016
Proceso de titularización Confiar

Se informa sobre la suscripción del contrato de administración de créditos hipotecarios con Confiar Cooperativa Financiera para un eventual proceso de titularización.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

08 de March de 2016
Proceso de titularización Confiar

Se informa sobre la suscripción del contrato de compraventa anticipada de créditos hipotecarios con Confiar Cooperativa Financiera para un eventual proceso de titularización.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

07 de March de 2016

Fitch withdrawn TIPS Pesos E-3 Credit Ratings tranche B, due to the full redemption of the securities

Colombian Financie Superintendence

03 de March de 2016

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. reports the entering into contracts with Bancolombia and Banco Colpatria in accordance with the mortgage loans of TIPS Pesos E-4 issue. See attachement

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

29 de February de 2016

Fitch publish credit rating report of TIPS Pesos N-11

Superintendencia Financiera

29 de February de 2016

BRC Investor Services S. A. rectify the publication of November 20th 2015 at 14:45:17 due to a typographic in page 3 of credit rating report of TIPS PESOS E-16

Superintendencia Financiera

26 de February de 2016

Titularizadora Colombiana in its capacity as Manager of TIPS PESOS E-12 Issue hereby reports that a termination event has occurred for the referred issue. See attached report.

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

15 de February de 2016

Titularizadora Colombiana hereby reports the mortgage loan repurchase procedure for the TIPS Pesos E-16 Universalidad of the TIPS Pesos E-16 Issue, which took place in February 2016. See attachment

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

12 de February de 2016

Fitch affirms credit ratings of TIPS Pesos N-11, assigs positive outlook for tranches B

Superintendencia Financiera

10 de February de 2016

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publish credit rating report of Tips Pesos N-4

Finance Superintendence Office

10 de February de 2016

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publish credit rating report of Tips Pesos N-9

Colombian Financie Superintendence

03 de February de 2016

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publish credit rating report of Tips E-10 UVR

Colombian Financie Superintendence

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