02 de December de 2014

BRC Standard & Poor´s publishes Tips Pesos E-16 credit rating report

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

02 de December de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the securitization of mortgage loans in Pesos (TIPS Pesos N-10 Issue) that Titularizadora will effect in the second week of December 2014. See attached report.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

02 de December de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the entering into contracts with Davivienda for servicing the mortgage loans to be securitized by the issue of TIPS Pesos N-10 mortgage-backed securities in December, 2014.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

02 de December de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. reports the entering into contracts with Davivienda Bank to purchase the mortgage loans that will be securitized through the issue of TIPS Pesos N-10 mortgage-backed securities in December, 2014.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

27 de November de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.a., hereby informs the probability that a termination event for the TIPS PESOS E-2 issue be constituted no later than March 2015. See attachment

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

25 de November de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana hereby reports the mortgage loan substitution procedure for the TIPS Pesos N-4 Universalidad of the TIPS Pesos N-4 Issue, which took place in november 2014. See attachment

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

25 de November de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana hereby reports the mortgage loan substitution procedure for the TIPS Pesos N-8 Universalidad of the TIPS Pesos N-8 Issue, which took place in november 2014. See attachment

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

24 de November de 2014

Fitch publishes Tips Pesos N-10 credit rating report

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

21 de November de 2014

Fitch assigns Tips Pesos N-10 credit ratings; steady perspective

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

21 de November de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana hereby reports the mortgage loan substitution procedure for the TIPS Pesos N-5 Universalidad of the TIPS Pesos N-5 Issue, which took place in november 2014. See attachment

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

19 de November de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana hereby reports the mortgage loan substitution procedure for the TIPS Pesos N-3 Universalidad of the TIPS Pesos N-3 Issue, which took place in november 2014. See attachment

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

18 de November de 2014

Fitch reviews TIPS Pesos E-13 Credit Ratings

Finance Superintendence Office

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