14 de November de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana hereby reports the mortgage loan substitution procedure for the TIPS Pesos N-2 Universalidad of the TIPS Pesos N-2 Issue, which took place in november 2014. See attachment

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

29 de October de 2014

Fitch publish TIPS Pesos N-3 credit rating report

Finance Superintendence Office

21 de October de 2014

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV withdrawn credit rating of Tranche C of TIPS E-5

Colombian Financie Superintendence

16 de October de 2014

Fitch withdraws TIPS E-5 credit rating

Colombian Financie Superintendence

16 de October de 2014

Fitch maintains TIPS Pesos N-3 credit ratings

Finance Superintendence Office

10 de October de 2014

Fitch publish credit rating report of TIPS Pesos E-2

Colombian Financie Superintendence

30 de September de 2014

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publish credit rating report of Tips Pesos E-5

Colombian Financie Superintendence

30 de September de 2014

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publish credit rating report of Tips Pesos E-9

Colombian Financie Superintendence

26 de September de 2014

Fitch reviews TIPS Pesos E-2 Credit Ratings

Colombian Financie Superintendence

19 de September de 2014

BRC Investor Services S. A. SCV withdrawn credit rating of Tranche A of TIPS Pesos E-9

Colombian Financie Superintendence

17 de September de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. hereby reports the results of the TIPS Pesos N-9 mortgage-backed securitization (offer and underwriting of mortgage-backed TIPS Pesos N-9 securities on September 16 and 17 of 2014). Overall underwriting report attached.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

16 de September de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A., hereby informs that it was sent the prospectus of information of issue TIPS Pesos N-9 authorized by communication No. 2014083947-001-000 dated 09/15/2014 of the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.

Información enviada a la Superfinanciera

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