09 de May de 2014

Fitch reviews TIPS Pesos E-3 Credit Ratings

Colombian Financie Superintendence

06 de May de 2014

Fitch rectify credit rating report of TIPS Pesos N-8

Superintendencia Financiera

05 de May de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana in its capacity as Manager of the TIPS E-5 Issue hereby reports the entering into purchase contracts with Banco Caja Social and Banco BBVA banks with respect to the mortgage loans of the TIPS E-5 issue. See attached schedule

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

02 de May de 2014

Fitch publish credit rating report of TIPS Pesos N-8

Superintendencia Financiera

02 de May de 2014

BRC Investor Services S.A. SCV publish credit rating report of Tips Pesos E-7

Colombian Financie Superintendence

30 de April de 2014

Fitch assigns ratings of securities TIPS Pesos N-8; Stable Outlook

Superintendencia Financiera

29 de April de 2014

Fitch publish credit rating report of TIPS Pesos E-11

Finance Superintendence Office

29 de April de 2014

Fitch publish credit rating report of TIPS Pesos N-5

Superintendencia Financiera

23 de April de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A., hereby reports that as of this date it entered into mortgage loan purchase contracts with Banco AV Villas and Banco Colpatria Red Multibanca Colpatria S.A. banks under the process of the TIPS E-5 issue early liquidation. See Attachment

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

21 de April de 2014

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A., hereby inform the occurrence and formalization of an early liquidation event of the TIPS E-5 issue. See Attachment

Information sent to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia

10 de April de 2014

Fitch upgrade TIPS Pesos E-11 Credit Ratings

Finance Superintendence Office

10 de April de 2014

Fitch affirms TIPS Pesos N-5 Credit Ratings

Superintendencia Financiera

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