22 de October de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana as Administrator of the Universality TIPS E-13 informs that the additional payment of securities type C has been made in the issue TIPS E-13. See report attached.

Colombian Financie Superintendence

16 de October de 2019

Fitch publishes the thecnical document that supports ratings of TIS Pesos H-1

Superintendencia Financiera

07 de October de 2019

We inform the result of the securitization process TIPS PESOS N-20 (offer and placement of mortgage securities TIPS PESOS N-20 in October 4th and 7th of 2019). See the report attached.

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

04 de October de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana announces the setting of the amount and rate of the first batch issue of mortgage securities TIPS A PESOS N-20 of the securitization process through the issue TIPS PESOS N-20.

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

03 de October de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. communicates the publication of the opening announcement of the Book Building for the mortgage securities TIPS PESOS N-20. See report attached.

Superintendencia Financiera

27 de September de 2019

We inform that the contract for the administration of mortgage loans with the banks Davivienda, Bancolombia and Fondo Nacional del Ahorro has been signed, in order to be securitized in the issue of TIPS PESOS N-20 taking place in October 2019.

Superintendencia Financiera

27 de September de 2019

We inform that the contract for sale of mortgage loans, with the banks Davivienda, Bancolombia and Fondo Nacional del Ahorro has been signed, in order to be securitized in the issue TIPS PESOS N-20 taking place in October 2019.

Superintendencia Financiera

27 de September de 2019

We inform about the development of a securitization process of mortgage loans in Colombian Pesos (Issue TIPS PESOS N-20) to be conducted by the Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. in October 2019.

Superintendencia Financiera

23 de September de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana as administrator of the issue TIPS E-13 informs that the ground of termination has taken place in the aforementioned issue. See report attached.

Colombian Financie Superintendence

20 de September de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. announces the setting of the amount and rate of the first batch issue of securities TIV A V-1 of the securitization process through the issue TIV V-1.

Superintendencia Financiera

20 de September de 2019

We inform the result of the securitization process TIV V-1 (offer and placement of securities TIV V-1 in August 20 2019). See report attached.

Superintendencia Financiera

19 de September de 2019

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. communicates the publication of the Book Building opening announcement for the TIV A V-1. See report attached.

Superintendencia Financiera

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