23 de June de 2023

Fitch Ratings withdrew the long-term national ratings of TIPS Pesos N-3: TIPS Pesos C N-3 securities and denoted them as ¿PIF(col)¿ (PIF; paid in full) due to their full payment in May 2023

Superintendencia Financiera

22 de June de 2023

Titularizadora Colombiana S.A. informs the decision adopted by the Board of Directors, on June 22, 2023, regarding the appointment of the members belonging to the Board of Directors Support Committees (see annex).

Finance Superintendence Office

20 de June de 2023

Information on the probability that no later than August 22, 2023, configures the ground of termination of the issue TIPS Pesos N-8. See The attached file.

Finance Superintendence Office

20 de June de 2023

Information on the probability that no later than August 22, 2023, configures the ground of termination of the issue TIV V-1. See The attached file.

Finance Superintendence Office

07 de June de 2023

BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document corresponding to the Periodic Review of the TIPS UVR U-4.

Superintendencia Financiera

07 de June de 2023

BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document corresponding to the Periodic Review of the TIPS UVR U-2.

Superintendencia Financiera

01 de June de 2023

Informs about the development of a securitization process of vehicle loans in Colombian pesos through the TIV-IBR V-6 Issue, to be conducted by the Titularizadora Colombiana S.A.

Finance Superintendence Office

01 de June de 2023

We inform that the contract for the sale of vehicle loans with Banco Finandina S.A. BIC has been signed, in order to be securitized in the TIV-IBR V-6 Issuance.

Finance Superintendence Office

01 de June de 2023

We inform that the contract for the administration of car loans with Banco Finandina S.A. BIC has been signed, in order to be securitized in the TIV- IBR V-6 issuance.

Finance Superintendence Office

01 de June de 2023

BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document corresponding to the Periodic Review of the TIPS Pesos N-9.

Superintendencia Financiera

31 de May de 2023

BRC Ratings S&P Global S.A. SCV discloses the technical document corresponding to the Periodic Review of the TIPS UVR U-3.

Superintendencia Financiera

30 de May de 2023

The Technical Committee of BRC Ratings S&P Global, in Periodic Review, confirmed the ratings of series A, B, Mz and C of the Tips UVR U-4.

Superintendencia Financiera

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